Understanding and using Polish question words correctly can significantly boost your performance in the grammar section of the B1 exam. These words help form questions in different contexts and can be a game-changer for both spoken and written Polish. Let’s dive into the essential Polish question words, their meanings, and practical examples of their usage.
1. Basic Question Words
Polish | English | Example Sentence |
Kto | Who | Kto to zrobił? (Who did this?) |
Co | What | Co to jest? (What is this?) |
Gdzie | Where | Gdzie mieszkasz? (Where do you live?) |
Kiedy | When | Kiedy masz egzamin? (When do you have an exam?) |
Dlaczego | Why | Dlaczego się spóźniłeś? (Why were you late?) |
Jak | How | Jak się masz? (How are you?) |
Ile | How much/How many | Ile to kosztuje? (How much does it cost?) |
2. More Specific Question Words
Polish | English | Example Sentence |
Który/a/e | Which | Którą kawę wolisz? (Which coffee do you prefer?) |
Czyje | Whose | Czyje to jest? (Whose is this?) |
Jaki/a/ie | What kind of | Jaka jest twoja ulubiona muzyka? (What kind of music do you like?) |
Ile czasu | How much time | Ile czasu to zajmie? (How much time will it take?) |
Od której | From what time | Od której godziny pracujesz? (From what time do you work?) |
Na jak długo | For how long | Na jak długo jedziesz do Polski? (For how long are you going to Poland?) |
Komu | To whom | Komu dałeś ten prezent? (To whom did you give this gift?) |
Czego | Of what | Czego się boisz? (Of what are you afraid?) |
Z kim | With whom | Z kim idziesz do kina? (With whom are you going to the cinema?) |
Po co | For what | Po co to zrobiłeś? (For what reason did you do this?) |
Jak często | How often | Jak często chodzisz na siłownię? (How often do you go to the gym?) |
Dla kogo | For whom | Dla kogo pracujesz? (For whom do you work?) |
Na kiedy | For when | Na kiedy masz termin? (For when is your appointment?) |
W jaki sposób | In what way | W jaki sposób to zrobić? (In what way should this be done?) |
3. Advanced Question Words
Polish | English | Example Sentence |
Od kogo | From whom | Od kogo dostałeś wiadomość? (From whom did you receive the message?) |
Do czego | To what purpose | Do czego to jest potrzebne? (To what purpose is this needed?) |
Kiedy dokładnie | When exactly | Kiedy dokładnie wyjeżdżasz? (When exactly are you leaving?) |
O której godzinie | At what time | O której godzinie zaczyna się film? (At what time does the movie start?) |
Dokąd | To where | Dokąd idziesz? (To where are you going?) |
Skąd | From where | Skąd jesteś? (From where are you?) |
Na co | For what | Na co czekasz? (For what are you waiting?) |
Przez ile czasu | For how long | Przez ile czasu będziesz tam mieszkać? (For how long will you live there?) |
Jak długo | How long | Jak długo trwa egzamin? (How long does the exam last?) |
Kiedy się skończy | When will it end | Kiedy się skończy film? (When will the movie end?) |
Z iloma osobami | With how many people | Z iloma osobami pracujesz? (With how many people do you work?) |
Którędy | Which way | Którędy mamy iść? (Which way should we go?) |
Na ile osób | For how many people | Na ile osób rezerwujesz stolik? (For how many people are you reserving a table?) |
How to Practice Question Words Effectively?
- Use Flashcards – Create flashcards with Polish question words on one side and English meanings on the other. Test yourself daily.
- Form Your Own Questions – Try making your own sentences using different question words. Example: Gdzie idziesz? (Where are you going?)
- Listen to Polish Conversations – Watch Polish interviews, listen to Polish podcasts, and pay attention to the way questions are asked.
- Practice with a Language Partner – Ask your partner different questions using Polish question words.
- Take Practice Tests – Simulate the exam environment by answering questions using the correct question words.
Why Mastering Question Words is Important?
- Boosts Your Grammar Score – You can easily score 5 points in the 30-point grammar section just by correctly using question words.
- Improves Fluency – The ability to ask and answer questions quickly makes conversations smoother.
- Enhances Writing Skills – Helps in structuring complex sentences for essays and formal writing.
- Essential for Speaking Exams – You will need to ask and answer questions fluently in the speaking part of the exam.
Final Thoughts
Mastering Polish question words is a crucial step in achieving fluency and performing well on the B1 exam. By memorizing and practicing these words, you will gain confidence in speaking, writing, and understanding Polish conversations. Keep practicing, and soon asking questions in Polish will feel natural!
Happy learning! ✨❤️
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